The Benefits of Carbon & DPF Cleaning

Lower Emissions

Carbon cleaning your vehicle’s engine will help reduce harmful gases being released into the atmosphere.

Improve Power & Fuel Efficiency

Cleaning your engine will increase fuel efficiency and engine power, saving you money on fuel costs. It will leave your engine running smoother with better throttle response and performance.

No harmful Chemicals

Our machines use electrolysis to split water into oxygen and hydrogen to produce HHO gas which atomizes carbon without the use of traditional chemicals.

Quick and easy

Our revolutionary carbon cleaning technology is non-invasive, so our technicians can clean any engine without the need for disassembly, in a matter of just minutes.

Our revolutionary carbon cleaning technology works on all diesel, petrol and hybrid engines in all passenger, commercial and agricultural vehicles, and motorcycles and motor boats.

Questions? Click here to contact us, or to book your appointment today!

What is Carbon Build Up?

Every time you use your vehicle, carbon builds up layer upon layer when the fuel combusts in the engine cylinders. This affects the smooth running of the engine and can causes many other issues and increase your fuel costs.

The main issues from carbon build up can be:

  • Increased fuel and oil consumption
  • A sluggish engine
  • Production of high carbon emission
  • Inefficient engine vibrations
  • Terminal engine failure

We can help. Our machines use state-of-the-art technology to provide innovative cleaning solutions to the automotive aftermarket care.

How Carbon Cleaning Works

Our products uses cutting-edge HHO engine cleaning technology. Each machine uses electrolysis to split water molecules into the composite elements of oxygen and hydrogen to produce oxyhydrogen or HHO gas.

This HHO gas is fed into the engine through the vehicle’s air intake valve to mix with the air and fuel in the combustion chambers of the engine. When this mixture ignites the HHO combusts at a much higher temperature than the fuel alone. This atomizes the carbon deposits which are expelled, harmlessly, in gaseous form through the exhaust system.

This revolutionary technology is more efficient, ecological and much kinder to the engine than the traditional chemical methods used. The process is also non-invasive: a technician can now clean an engine in a matter of minutes without first disassembling it.

Typical Engine Valves Before and After Carbon Cleaning:


Around every 300 miles or so the DPF will regenerate by super-heating the filter to burn off the contaminated particles that collect there as soot and ash. Most of the soot is then expelled through the exhaust as finer particles of harmless ash. However, it has been found that the regeneration process leaves residual ash behind in the filter. Each time a regeneration occurs more particles will build up in the filter.

Over time carbon can block the DPF and cause several issues with your engine. The Carbon-Clean DPF ProClean Treatment, when used alongside our DCS machines, is a fast and cost effective way to completely clean and protect any DPF. The machines we use to clean your engine offer fast, simple and effective cleaning of the DPF filter from within workshop or on your driveway.

DPF Before and After DPF Reduction

the cost

Carbon cleaning works on all private, commercial and agricultural diesel, petrol and hybrid vehicle engines, as well as on all motorcycles. Our current service options and prices are:

Service Option Cost
Carbon Clean and Prevention Service (1 Hour) From £99
Carbon Clean and DPF Reduction From £199
24-Hour Turnaround Pick Up and Drop Off Cleaning Service From £199
Range Rover DPF Clean, HHO Carbon Clean, Diagnostic Check and Dynamic Regeneration From £299


Operating within a 40-mile radius of Birmingham, the Manchester area and also Ayrshire, our team of technicians are able to come to you, whether you are a private resident or commercial garage.

We can travel further if mutliple vehicles are to be carbon cleaned using our services. Please contact us for more details or to arrange an appointment. We also offer a 24-hour turnaround pick up and drop off cleaning service.

Telephone: 07946 276292

For service in the Manchester area contact Matt at 07469 248517

If you have a question or need more information we’ll be happy to help. You can send us a message by completing the form below.

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